The Life Transformation Course

You - the hero in your own story

10 beautiful weeks. You ready? This immersive life-overhauling experience delves deep into the art of breathwork. You'll learn to harness its immense ability to unlocking hidden reservoirs of potential. Bring on the clarity, vitality, and emotional freedom. This is the gateway to your most heroic self.

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Who it's for

It’s right for you if you want to:

  • Achieve greater mental resilience
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Gain control over your emotional reactivity and nervous system
  • Optimise your health 
  • Heighten your sense of clarity
  • Feel more connected to your mission and life’s purpose
  • Transform your relationships
  • Have a solid understanding of the benefits of breathwork and the tools necessary to incorporate it into your daily life
  • Achieve a more fulfilling and abundant life
  • Lay the foundation for you to possibly become a breathwork teacher in the future.
What should I expect?

WHAT IS included WITHIN THE Life Transformation course

Week 1 & 2: Finding your vision

Ok, friends. Get ready to embark on a thrilling journey. It's time to kickstart the course. We'll reveal the roadmap to manifesting your dreams and embracing your true mission. You'll forge an unbreakable bond with your own, unique, crystal-clear vision.

How? Through the transformative practices of meditation, visualisation, and journaling. We'll help you build a rock solid foundation for progress through breathwork. (While teaching you to bask in the serene embrace of your vision.)

Week 3 & 4: Personal tranquility

Now, it's time to unleash the combined forces of sound and breathwork. We'll craft a tailor-made morning routine that sets your stage for game-changing days. Immerse yourself in the art of discerning between calming and activation breathwork techniques.

Here, we'll dive even deeper into creating personal tranquility. Calming techniques will soothe your soul. But the invigorating power of activation breathwork boosters electrifies your spirit.

Week 5 & 6: Breath Mastery

Welcome to the realm of breath mastery, people. Here, stress bows down to resilience. The wisdom of the body triumphs over the chattering mind. Embrace the profound effects of Deep Belly Breathing and Holotropic breathing techniques. Together, they'll help you find transformative potential with every breath.

Week 7 & 8: Emotional release

Liberate your emotions and heal past traumas. We'll delve into the enchanting space of breath mastery for sensuality. Surrender to the euphoric bliss of Euphoric Breathing. Take charge of your personal evolution by integrating personalised practices. Experience the inspiring power of emotional release. Witness the profound healing transformation that breathwork brings.

Week 9 & 10: Trauma to triumph

It's time for an epic grand finale. We'll embark on a voyage of presence, connection, and awakening. We'll transcend the limitations of the mind to ignite the very essence of your spirit. Get ready to explore the depths of your subconscious mind.

Here, profound transformation awaits. We'll guide you through the alchemical process of turning trauma into triumph. It's quite the odyssey, but oh, is it worth it. This is where we conclude your magnificent journey. Brace yourself for a potent integration practice. We'll anchor your newfound wisdom deep within your everyday existence. Get ready to fly!


Gain access to:


Breathwork and meditation recordings, book and podcast recommendations, and documents to help you absorb and understand key information, research, cold immersion guide, breath tantra sensuality guide

Exclusive community

Gain access to group coaching calls, Q&A’s and an exclusive FB group

Enroll now
The Life Transformation Course

Ready to take chaRge and transform your life?

10 weeks covering 22 life changing modules
Breathwork and Meditation recordings
Cold Immersion guide
breath tantra sensuality guide
Group Transformational Journey led by AimEe
Access to an exclusive community
Discounts with our wellness partners
All for the investment of:


speak to aimeE


Love the sound of the Life Transformation course, but still have some questions to see if it is right for you? Book a complimentary call with Aimée to discuss if it's the best fit!

Book a call


Ultimately, Aimée is a healer. Whether it be through physical, nutritional, spiritual or emotional guidance, she will listen and tailor a programme just for you that focuses on your specific areas in need. With zero judgement and full of compassion, she will inspire and help you reach your best self. Aimée has genuine love, care and so much knowledge for her work – she has completely transformed the way I look, feel and think about health and has been instrumental in my spiritual and mental development. Her monthly events with her team have been transformational and it has been incredible to meet other like-minded individuals. Thank you so much Rise Room!
- Natasha Gertler,
Co founder of Visualogical
The Rise Room has been in integral part of my recovery from a downward spiral and an unhealthy lifestyle. Aimée’s infectious energy and extreme dedication to what she does has allowed me to enjoy so many more aspects of life. I have become more confident in my skin and learnt how to move my body without pain and with correct form. I have built up a wonderful relationship with food and learnt to cook delicious nutritious meals. I have created a home and social environment that supports my goals and have really managed to overcome anxiety and stress via daily breathwork practices and through The Rise Room’s monthly events. I could not be more grateful to The Rise Room for helping me achieve these life changing experiences. Thank you
- Isabella Townsley
Co-Founder of Assiez-Toi
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